Tuesday, July 5, 2011

What brightens your day?

Have you ever woken up in the morning filled with dread because its just too early to get out of bed and all you ever do is work, work, work? Ever feel like everyone hates you or that the world is against you? When you wake up in the morning and feel that way, what is it that cheers you up?

For me, it is the kids at CICFO. I went to EYC first thing in the morning in a grumpy mood. Its a shame to admit it, but I was. I do not like waking up early and anyone who knows me will admit that I'm not a morning person. I love the kids at EYC, but mornings are not my favorite. So I was still grumpy by the time I left because It was only 10:00am. Then, after running several erronds with Seiha (mostly trying to market the bracelets, and we also ran out of gas so we had to push his Moto to the nearest gas station--simply an adventure!) we went to CICFO. As soon as I got some delicious Khmer food in my belly and started teaching, everything that was on my mind left and as I focused on giving all my attention and love to the kids I became the happiest I've ever been. We had so much fun! I wrote down the words to the first verse of 'Baby' by Justin Bieber for the 3rd group and they were so excited, they started writing it down. And then we (by we  I mostly mean I) sang it about 10 times before we moved on to actual learning. One boy who doesn't say much actually said a few things to me and it made me sooo happy!! He sang along, too. He's a music nut so anything to do with new music makes him happy, but he's really shy so he needs a lot of encouragement. Man, I love kids. It is so fun to see them get excited about something!

After class was over Yang Yang, who had just woken up from a nap, came running towards me with his arms out stretched for a hug. So I bent down and opened my arms too and he threw himself onto me. It was the most priceless moment of my existence! I can't help but smile just thinking about it. Now I love my nephews and nieces.... But this is my favorite child in the WHOLE world. I want my babies to be exactly like him. If they're not, I'll still love him the most! It's a sad world, isn't it? haha.

Stay close to the people that make you the happiest. And never let them slip through your fingers just because of a silly mistake or misunderstanding.

1 comment:

  1. You have no business teaching children lyrics, we both know how good you are at getting lyrics right.
