Monday, May 16, 2011

The weather, time, and money...

When it comes to the weather, although you can kind of predict it, you really can't. It's one of those things that science thinks they know but they really don't. In hindsight I suppose looking at the weather a week in advance would have been a great idea, but when I woke up that morning it looked like a perfect day for a car-wash. Suffice it to say, the car-wash was a complete bust. And when I say complete, I mean I broke even and that was about it. I spent about 40 dollars on signs, markers, and car-washing materials and guess what I made. Yup. $40. The big bummer about the whole thing is that I felt really good about it and almost everyone that came donated twice what I asked for but because of the stupid rain we had to quit early. My dear dear friends' hard work and all my planning and worrying went to waste because of the rain. But here I am, moving on! Nothing gets done unless you go forward.

The clock is ticking as my program fee due date approaches... I have figured out that raising all 3,000 dollars this late in the game is shooting for stars that are just too high. I have now decided to shoot for $1200 which is just the program fee. I've already spent my savings buying the plane ticket and I'm mostly fine money wise, but I don't have enough money to pay for the whole program fee. If I had started months ago collecting donations instead of waiting until 2 months before I leave it would have been possible to raise all the funds needed. But I refuse to look back, because today and tomorrow is all I have! As Louis Robinson (from Meet the Robinson's-see it, its a great movie!) would say, "Keep moving forward!"

Here's the plan:
1.I've printed out more letters to businesses to give to local businesses so I'm doing that all week long.

2.I'm hoping to do another car-wash this Saturday once again at Fuddruckers (I'm waiting to hear back from the manager).

3.I am also going to have a benefit night at Fuddruckers (hopefully) the 25th of May!

4.I'm also going to take more shifts at work so that I can save as much money as humanly possible before I leave.

5. I'm going to bug the crap out of everyone I know to go online and donate 10, 15, or 20 dollars to my account! :-)

Thank you to everyone that has donated so far! I couldn't have this amazing opportunity without you!! Keep spreading the word about this to everyone you know!

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